Baby boy Rishi Vamdatt is here!
I am delighted to inform you that I have been blessed with a son. He has been named Rishi Vamdatt. He was born about 2 weeks back.
Renu Vamdatt – My wife
My wife, Renu, is doing fine after the delivery, and is recovering.
I have never mentioned her on this website earlier, so let me take this opportunity to thank her publicly.
She has been a constant source of inspiration, support and encouragement to me, and has a big role to play in my continued writing.
If you think you have benefited from this website, a lot of credit goes to Renu – the time I spend on writing for this website is the time I should actually be spending with her!
(Remember I have a full-time job? Know more about me at “About the Author”)
Why something personal on the website? Coz it impacts you!
Till now, I haven’t written anything personal on this website – the website is meant purely for matters related to personal finance.
However, I am writing about this on the website because yes, it is the most wonderful moment in my life till now. But more importantly, I am writing about it because it impacts you, my readers.
Impact on
Fatherhood brings with it a lot of additional responsibilities – a lot of my time would now be devoted to my son. This means that I would have lesser time for the website.
Possible delay in answering your queries
All functionality would continue as usual – however, there is a possibility that you would see a delay in getting answers to your questions.
Also, if a question you have asked has been answered earlier in the comments or in the article itself, I would not answer it again (I had been answering duplicate questions till now).
This way, I would be able to better utilize my time, and in turn would be able to serve you better.
No answer to questions asked through email / Contact Us
I would not be able to answer questions asked through emails or through the “Contact Us” page. I would only answer the questions asked through comments below the articles.
Thus, if you have a question, please search for a relevant article, and ask your question through the comments below that article. I am sure that for 99% of your queries, you would find an article where you can ask the question.
Please ask the question through email only if you are absolutely sure that there is no article related to your query. You can also email me if you are suggesting a topic for a future article.
No impact on “My Financial Plan” service
Clients of the “My Financial Plan” financial planning service would see absolutely no impact.
These are the people who are proactive about planning their finances, and have therefore enrolled for the “My Financial Plan” service – they would continue to get priority focus from my end.
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