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Interview published at

I have recently been interviewed by Ranjan Varma of Check out the details.

I have recently been interviewed by Ranjan Varma regarding my opinion about some matters related to personal finance. You can read the interview here: Raag Vamdatt: Helping People making Right Investment Choices

Some of the questions that have been covered are:

  • Why is it that generally people avoid or have a fear of financial planning? What is the fundamental problem? Is it specific to India or is it a global phenomenon.
  • What are the various options available for investments? What would be your recommendations?
  • Can you give a brief overview of how should one’s portfolio be at different ages.. Eg at 25 years, 35 years, 45 years etc.
  • Is it advisable to have a personal finance consultant who maintains ones portfolio? Are there people who do this? If so how much do they charge? Are they really helpful in the first place?
  • Do you visualize a growing use of personal finance software to track and manage money in India?
  • The Regulators are cracking the whip on Asset Management Companies and Insurers. What’s your wish list from the Regulators?
  • What prompted you to start your Blog? What motivates you to keep on blogging?

About Ranjan Varma

Ranjan Varma has been very active in the Indian blogsphere, and has been writing about matters related to personal finance for a long time now. His goal is to “change the way Indians manage their money”.

He writes at Improving my Financial IQ and Personal Finance 201.

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