My Top Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs
A lot of people dream of leaving their job to start a venture of their own.Are you one of these people? Do you want to leave the rat rac
In the articles that I write here, I try to capture the essence of whatever I have learnt from over a decade’s experience in personal finance, investment planning and investing.
Having grown up at a very fortunate time in India’s financial history, I have witnessed major breakthroughs in the investment avenues available in India.
There was a time when there were very few avenues to put ones money in – LIC for life insurance (and tax saving), UTI for mutual funds, the 4 public sector insurers for non-life insurance, bank FDs, and government fixed income investment, like National Savings Certificates (NSC), National Savings Scheme (NSS), Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) for virtually risk-free returns. Back then, tax planning just meant investing in LIC, PPF and / or NSCs!!
Slowly, India’s financial sector opened up, and now, we have a plethora of avenues to invest in, and have multiple players & offerings for each! So much so, that it seems like a mammoth task to choose among the players and their offerings, necessitating sustained guidance from the experts in this field!
This website is an effort on my part to simplify financial planning and help readers plan their investments the smart way. also offers financial planning service in India – Please check out “My Financial Plan” for more details.
Here is a brief introduction to everything you can do on this site.
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Articles on Personal Finance
Here you will find articles written by me on various topics – general investing, investment planning, stocks, mutual funds, real estate, loans, insurance, gold – basically, everything that is relevant to an investor.
You can add your comments to the articles, or reply to the comments entered by other users. You can also rate these articles!
Financial Planning Products and Services
Personalized Financial Planning Service

- Your income and expenses
- Your investments
- Your life and health insurance needs
- Your asset allocation
- Your net worth
- Your financial goals
- and more…
(Please check out “My Financial Plan – What is included” to find out the services that you get when you avail of “My Financial Plan”.)
For more details, please visit My Financial Plan.
Income Tax Formula – Income Tax Training

- Do you want to save the maximum possible income tax and increase your in-hand salary?
- Do you want to know the best avenues to invest so that you not only save income tax but also earn great returns?
- Do you want to understand the basics of income tax – how the tax is calculated, what is TDS, how to pay self assessment tax, which income tax return (ITR) form to use, and more – so that you can keep saving income tax year after year?
- Do you want all this in an easy to follow, jargon-free form?
If the answer to any of these questions is ‘Yes”, the “Income Tax Formula” is what you need.
For more details, please visit Income Tax Formula.
E-book: Personal Finance for the Young Professional
The field of personal finance is vast, and it can take years to get acquainted with its various aspects. So, what should a young professional do? Take years to learn the basics of personal finance before starting to take financial decisions? Wouldn’t that be too late?
Wouldn’t it help if there is a crash-course in personal finance that would give you a head start in the field of personal finance? Of course, it would. And that’s exactly what this e-book is!
Here is an e-book that introduces you to all the critical aspects of personal finance, so that you can start taking smart financial decisions NOW.
The following topics are covered in the book:
- Basics of Income Tax (IT)
- Saving Income Tax
- Life and Health Insurance
- Purchasing a House Through a Home Loan
- Importance of Saving and Investing Early
- Best Investment Strategies for the Long Term
- Best Investment Avenues
Basically, everything that a young adult would need to get started immediately!
For more details, please visit E-book: Personal Finance for the Young Professional.
Mutual Fund (MF) Portfolio Analysis

This service offers analysis of your current Mutual Fund (MF) portfolio.
- Get accurate buy / hold / sell recommendations for the MF schemes you hold based on their market performance and potential performance
- Get names of MF schemes you should be investing in (if the recommendation for any of your schemes is “sell”)
- Get your MF portfolio judged for concentration risk (too much investment in similar schemes)
Get your MF portfolio analyzed by an expert, and get better performance out of your portfolio with minimal effort on your part!
For more details, please visit Mutual Fund (MF) Portfolio Analysis.
ULIP Evaluation – Review of Your Existing ULIP

- Do you currently have a ULIP, and are wondering whether to continue it or not?
- Did an insurance agent sell you a ULIP based on some promises, and now you are reconsidering you decision?
- Are you wondering whether the ULIP you have purchased is good or not?
- Did you purchase a ULIP in haste, just to save income tax (IT)?
If the answer to any of these questions is a “yes”, this service is meant just for you!
Wouldn’t you like to get an honest and independent evaluation of the ULIPs you have instead of blindly giving your premium cheques year after year?
Here is a service that would analyze the ULIP policy you have, and tell you whether you should continue with it or not. If you have multiple ULIPs, avail of this service for all of them and get a handsome discount!
For more details, please visit ULIP Evaluation – Review of Your Existing ULIP.
ULIP Evaluation – Review Before a New ULIP Purchase

Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are investing in the right policy – a policy that would give you good returns on your investment, and is best suited to your needs. You would not want to pay 1000’s of rupees as premium every year for a not-so-good ULIP, would you?
Wouldn’t you like to get an honest and independent evaluation of the ULIP policy / policies you are considering before you give that cheque?
Here is a service that analyzes the ULIP policy you are considering, and tells you how good it is. If you are considering multiple ULIPs, avail of this service for all of them and get a handsome discount!
For more details, please visit ULIP Evaluation – Review Before a New ULIP Purchase.
Gift Certificates

The gift certificates are redeemable against any purchase at the store, and are available in denominations of Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 200 and Rs. 500.
For more details, please visit Gift Certificates.
Definition of Common Terms
Desperate to crack business and financial jargons? Be it general investing, investment planning, stocks, mutual funds, real estate, loans, insurance or gold – this glossary section explains these jargons in layman’s terms, so you can go ahead and flaunt them! These are the terms an investor definitely needs to be familiar with. You can say it is a small but useful financial glossary.
You can add a definition to this glossary if you want. If you want to know the meaning of a term that is not already there in the glossary, just add the term (without its meaning), and I would add the meaning for you!
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This section contains useful artifacts to download – calculators, spreadsheets containing examples used in various articles, etc.
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Raag Vamdatt is a financial planner and offers financial planning service in India – Please check out “My Financial Plan” for more details.