I have left my job so that I can focus full time on my websites. Would need your help and support…
Dear readers,
Thanks to your tremendous support, this website has grown a lot in the 2.5 years since its launch in end-2007 (Currently, www.RaagVamdatt.com gets more than 1 Lakh page views per month).
Your encouragement and positive feedback have always pushed me to write better, and offer more services on this website (and on my Hindi website at www.PaisaPlanner.com).
Of course, this has meant many sacrifices by my family (I write the articles in the time I should be spending with them!), and a lot of pressure on me because I maintained this website along with a full time job.
With the response I am getting from you, I believe that there is an opportunity to take good financial practices to even more number of people through this website.
To take it to the next level, I have quit my full time job so that I can work full time on www.RaagVamdatt.com and www.PaisaPlanner.com.
Reasons behind this decision
As you might be aware, I am really passionate about personal finance and financial planning. (Please check out “About the Author” for more)
And after running the websites for such a long time, I have realized that I have been touching the lives of many people, helping them secure a healthy financial future.
The satisfaction that I get from this, and the sense of fulfillment that I get reading the emails I get from you can not be matched by any job in this world! (For some samples, please check out the “What readers have to say” section on the top-right of this page)
It is a pleasure to be of any help to you, and I would love to dedicate my entire time to this…
Whats next?
Over a period of time, you would see many changes to this website. I don’t plan to change the look-and-feel of the website too much, although there might be a few cosmetic changes like change in menu options, etc.
However, I have plans to launch many new services that would further the cause of educating retail investors like you and me. I also have plans to start some offline activities, so that we can interact more in person as well. I will keep you posted about the developments from time to time.
Many of these services would be free, but some of them would also be paid – I am sure you understand that after all, I need to make at least enough to sustain my family!
Need your support and help…
It may seem like I am taking a big risk by foregoing a handsome salary in order to dedicate my full time to these websites – but I am sure that with you by my side, its the right decision.
The journey so far would not have been possible without your help… I request your cooperation and support for my future endeavors as well…
I would love to hear your thoughts through the comments!
With warm regards,
Raag Vamdatt.
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